Home Auctions have always been a great way to sell your home, especially when
- Properties are in short supply or in high demand
- Immaculate properties that have the “WOW” factor and are always in demand
- Unique properties such as those with stunning architecture
- Properties with potential for redevelopment and development opportunities such as subdivision zoning.
People sometimes think all that happens during an Auction Campaign is that the vendor chooses the auction method and then everyone sits back to wait for the big day.
Nothing could be further than the truth!
At Cumberland Realty, we work really hard to engage the buyer community around our properties.
We provide all of the tools and advice necessary to make sure the home is presented beautifully.
And we have superb digital marketing to stimulate buyer imagination and emotional attachment to the home.
We also work with our buyers to help them get auction-ready, and to keep them focussed on the home all the way through to auction day.
Sellers will often query when is the best time to host an auction?
While 10 am to 3 pm on Saturdays is traditionally the most popular time for an auction, this timeslot has significant drawbacks as Buyers may wish to attend other auctions at the same time.
Friday afternoon Sunday could be great times. With limited competition, all decision-makers can usually attend. People will often take some time away from work and, if they’re successful, the celebrations can start immediately and they get to plan a weekend without house hunting.
If you are going to auction on a Saturday, experts suggest an early morning or late afternoon time, to avoid competition.
If you’re thinking of making a move, contact us for some professional advice and discuss the best strategy for your home. You’ll love the experience of dealing with Cumberland Realty